Monday, April 29, 2019

Island Style Easy Ukulele Tutorial

Play along to this easy ukulele tutorial of a beautiful Hawaiian song by John Cruz called Island Style. As with the previous video tutorials, this includes lyrics, chords and tabs!

To follow this Island Style ukulele tutorial, you’ll need four chords: C, C7, F and G7. As with last week’s video, the strumming pattern is a bit tricky: D-DU-UDU (D-down, U-up). Read more here.

Monday, April 22, 2019

How to Play Under the Sea on Ukulele

Let’s play along with Jenny in this groovy Under the Sea ukulele tutorial. Our featured song for the week is from the popular Disney film The Little Mermaid.

For this Under the Sea ukulele tutorial, you’ll need the following ukulele chords: G, D7, C, Em, A7 and G7. Although you’ll need more chords than usual, the chords are not the difficult part in learning how to play “Under the Sea” on ukulele. The difficult part is more on the rhythm. Read more here.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Ukulele Tutorial for Church in the Wildwood

In response to requests from subscribers, Jenny has now completed Church in the Wildwood ukulele tutorial. Jenny has always liked this hymn and the drum-like feel of the final chorus.

Certainly, this Church in the Wildwood ukulele tutorial is easy as you’ll need just three chords and a straightforward strumming pattern. Of course, Jenny also shows how to play the melody tab for solo ukulele towards the end of the video. By the way, the ukulele chords you’ll need are C, F and G7. And the strumming pattern follows a D-DU-D-DU (D-down, U-up) replication.

Read more here

Monday, April 1, 2019

Go Tell Aunt Rhody Easy Ukulele Tutorial

Let’s learn how to play a fun folk song with this Go Tell Aunt Rhody ukulele tutorial, complete with chords, lyrics, strumming pattern and melody tab.

You can also find complete music sheet for Go Tell Aunt Rhody from our new book 21 Easy Ukulele Folk Songs. Get your copy  here and learn to play carefully selected folk songs on ukulele.

Indeed, this Go Tell Aunt Rhody ukulele tutorial is easy with just three chords. And it’s even more fun because Jenny plays the song in two keys – C and F. In the key of C, you’ll need these ukulele chords: C, F and G7. Read more here